Savannah Region

The vegetation of this region is made up of an exceptional flatness, interspersed with green mountains rich in rock hyraxes. This region is well known for animal harnessing and cattle breeding. With a density of over 80 inhab / km2, the population of the Savannah region is in the neighborhood of one million hundred thousand inhabitants. This population is distributed in the cities of Bagré, Barkoisi, Borgou, Bombouaka, Cinkassé, Dapaong, Gando, Korbongou, Koutiatialbo, Lokpano, Mango, Mandouri, Nano, Nammijoni, Ouarkambou, Takpamba, Tamatougou, Tandjouaré, Tchanaga, Timbou, Vanu.

Kara Region

The Kara region with its arid and mountainous lands is located in the Defalé mountains, formed by long parallel chains covered with baobabs, palms and néré. These mountains touch the Tamberma people to the east of the country. These people are excellent in the art of wrestling and terrace cultivation.

With a density of over 80 inhabitants / km2, the population of the Kara region is said to be in neighborhoods of over one million inhabitants. This population is distributed in the cities of  Adundé, Anandé, Atalote, Binaparba, Bissibi, Bohou, Borbogou, Boufalé, Boundiale, Djamdè, Dyambe, Farende, Inare, Kaoua, Kemerida, Kétao, Konadiou, Koumerida, Koutaou, Koutougou, Kpassidè, Kpezinde, Kara, Landa, Lassa, Natchamba, Pagouda, Pessidé, Pya, Sarakawa, Sirka, Sola, Soumdina, Tcharé, Tchitchao, Yadé etc...

Central Region

With a density of over 60 inhabitants / km2, the current population of the central region is around one million inhabitants. This population is distributed in the cities of Adjengré, Aléhéridè, Blitta, Kabou, Kambolé, Sokodé, Sotouboua, Tchamba to name only those there. The area of ​​this region is approximately 13,500 km2 km of which 1/5 are classified forests and reserves.

Plâteaux Region

With a density of more than 120 inhabitants / km2, the population of the plateau region would be in the neighborhood of two million inhabitants. This population is distributed in the cities of Agou, Amou, Amlamé, Anié Atakpamé, Badou, Elavagno, Danyi, Kpalimé, Kpélé, Kougnohou, Lomba, Notsè, Tohoun etc ...

Maritime Region

With a density of more than 500 inhabitants / km2, the population of the maritime region would be in the neighborhoods of three million inhabitants. This population is distributed in the cities of Aflao, Agbalépédogan, Agbodrafo, ahépé, Aného, Anfané, Aképé, Kévé, Kovié, Lomé, Tabligbo, Tchékpo, Togoville, Tsévié, Vogan, Wogba to name just a few.